A Photo Essay of Nosara, Costa Rica: My First Home in my Gap Year

Jada Reese
Jun 12, 2021

I was falling in love with living again

Here in the midst of travelers

Of nature

Walking barefoot through the streets

Every step connecting me to the ground around me

Illusions disappearing

Where clarity now resides

You have taught me so much and we’ve only just begun

Hiking the coastal cliff and making new little friends on the beach through a soccer ball.
waterfall jumping
sunset games and the local shops
4am new moon sunrise surfing
an international hostal family and walking the beach with my kids class to find art materials

These are only a few sweet memories made in the first few months of travelling, but each of them made me grow. I share these to anyone looking for their path after school, in hopes it may excite you about all the possibilities the world holds.

The possibilities that you cannot find on the internet, but those you have to discover yourself.

In these moments I found happiness that I never knew existed.



Jada Reese

“Live this life with passion or not at all” Photographer. | Traveler. | Writer. Writings about my gap year, traveling, mental health, and the nomad lifestyle